
Buddycrist 80 warrior arm/prot
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Author:  buddycrist [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Buddycrist 80 warrior arm/prot

Character Name: buddycrist
Character Class: warrior
Days Played: 128 days
Days Played at 80: 34 days
Alt(s): none

--- General Information ---

1. Tell us a little about yourself: How old are you? Where are you from?
I m a software engineer from jacksonville FL, 28.

2. What guilds (if any) have you been in? If so, why did you leave? If you are a server transfer, why did you pick Immo/Skullcrusher?
exodia/skullcrusher exo/smotherthorn --- quit -- nightrage runetotem, in fear and faith runetotem

3. What is the best way to contact you?
email me at ?

4. How did you hear about us?
back in the old vanilla wow days, i competed aganist you guys, then exo moved to smotherthon and others.

--- Raiding Information ---

5. Post your armory link. Post any info not available on armory.

-- wow armory site is down, edit in later, but i do have 4 t10 pieces using t9 glove cause 4 set bonus is useless.

6. Do you have Ventrilo and/or a mic to communicate with your prospective guild members?

--yes i have vent and mic, though i rarely talk ... dps suppose to be seen not heard....

7. What are your computer specs and internet connection? Can you handle max graphic settings at a reasonable framerate in a 25 man raid?

--yes computer works fine. getting a new graphic card.

8. Please attach some World of Logs records (or any similar log parses you may have) of some recent raids. Feel free to submit bad ones and identify what you did wrong and why they weren't as stellar as other ones you've submitted (Learning from mistakes and not repeating them again makes for much better raiders and shows us you can learn and adapt).

--I dont have any log, but I generally do about 8-9k dps in a simple fight like festorgut in 25 men

9. Tell us about your raiding experience. Go into any pertinent details about what you killed and what guild(s) you've killed it with. Let us know if it was pre-nerf or post-nerf. Tell us about how you made a difference and helped your past guild achieve those kills. How does your class role play into all of this?

--i finished most of the vanilla wow content with exo, quitted after 2nd wing on naxx 40
--skipped tbc raiding.
--completed most of LK content with nightrage and in fear and faith on 25 professor and 10 sind

10. Tell us about your class. Likes, dislikes, etc. What makes you good at your class? Tell us a little about gear, your class, situational gear, specs, and how it all relates to your flexibility in raiding. Go into high detail about your rotations/spells/abilities you use, how it maximizes your job and why.

-- I play a arm war and tank for a little doing 55 8 8 build as an arm. the class is pretty well rounded, never like fury much. with arm there is no rotation but a priority list, and i have on a single target rend then op > execute > ms , then slam with nothing is up.

11. What is your schedule like? What times during the week can you raid? Our raid start at 8:00pm EST and last until 12am midnight. Usually Sunday through Thursday.

-- I m good anytime after 5:30pm est

12. Please post up a link to a screenshot of your User Interface.

-- really not sure where to host one, give me your email i send one to you.

13. If your house was on fire, and you were raiding with us, what would you do?

-- what kind of fire?

14. General Comments about yourself to us. This is your opportunity to convince us that you are the players that we want in our guild.

-- I m a good player with high raid attendance as long as i can have a set schduale. oh .. and i m single right now... which works for gaming if you know what i meant

Author:  Imidril [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Buddycrist 80 warrior arm/prot

At the current moment I am flooded with tanks and melee and can't afford to fit another into my roster. Feel free to reapply at a later date if the situation changes.

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