
Zomghealz - 80 - Disc Priest
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Author:  Zomghealz [ Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Zomghealz - 80 - Disc Priest

Character Name: Zomghealz
Character Class: Priest
Days Played: 30
Days Played at 80: 6
Alt(s): 71 warrior, 74 DK

--- General Information ---

1. Tell us a little about yourself: How old are you? Where are you from?
My name's Chris, i'm from Ontario Canada and i'm 22 years old.

2. What guilds (if any) have you been in? If so, why did you leave? If you are a server transfer, why did you pick Immo/Skullcrusher?
I've really only been in one guild with this toon and that's my current one (blood angels) before you laugh, it's a guild comprised of RL friends. we only do 10 mans because we only have enough people for it. i'm a firm believer in playing the game to have fun, so that's why i'm in this guild. i'm looking to join immo because my friend Ennku said you might be in the market for a priest, and i figured "why not give it a shot? the worst they can say is no" lol, no you could probably say a lot worse than that.

3. What is the best way to contact you?
in game or e-mail

4. How did you hear about us?
who on SC hasn't heard of immo? lol, Ennku told me i should app, so here i am.

--- Raiding Information ---

5. Post your armory link. Post any info not available on armory. ... =Zomghealz

6. Do you have Ventrilo and/or a mic to communicate with your prospective guild members?
yes i do

7. What are your computer specs and internet connection? Can you handle max graphic settings at a reasonable framerate in a 25 man raid?
2.8 dual core, 2gb ram, x800gt video card. not the best, but at mid setting in 25 mans i get about 40-50 frames.

8. What raiding experience do you have? What significant raid instances have you been in? List only the furthest you got in WotLK, BC, and Vanilla WoW.
well like i said, i've only really been in this 10 man guild, so nothing spectacular in WotLK, i've been in a successful pug one drake sarth, lol. other than that, naxx 10 clear, OS clear (obviously)
now BC i didn't really play until BT came out. so by that time, after leveling my toon to 70, no one wanted my scrub gear in any of their progression guilds so i joined up with Blood Angels to play with my friends.
Pre-BC i mained my warrior. in Forsaken Mercenaries we progressed up to huhuran in AQ-40. we couldn't get much further because we were technically a "casual" raiding guild and no one wanted to try progression in Naxx, they just wanted free loots fro BWL. so the guild broke up about 2 months before BC. that's when i stopped playing as much.

9. Are you a Hand of A'dal or Champion of the Naaru?
hand of a'dal

10. What is your schedule like? What times during the week can you raid? Our raid starting times range from 7:00pm-8:00pm EST and last until 12am midnight.
seems fairly straight forward. no problems here.

11. Please post up a link to a screenshot of your User Interface.
(see attached file)

12. If your house was on fire, and you were raiding with us, what would you do?
lol, i guess i start roasting some marshmallows and keep healing.

13. General Comments about yourself to us.
I'm bored with only running 10 mans. i want to experience the game fully, not to mention i want a challenging game. i thought who better to progress with than immo? i'm the kind of guy who's not just willing, but excited to wipe 50 times trying to get new content under wraps. i'm dedicated and always willing to help out however i can. please consider my app, i hope not to disappoint :)

Interface SC.JPG
Interface SC.JPG [ 187.36 KiB | Viewed 4198 times ]

Author:  ennku [ Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zomghealz - 80 - Disc Priest

Excellent priest, he has played WoW since the day it came to open beta with me, good attitude towards raiding.

Hey Julio give him a shot~ :P

Author:  Zeelos [ Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zomghealz - 80 - Disc Priest

Don't be a douche.


Author:  Pinksocks [ Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zomghealz - 80 - Disc Priest

Spec Looks good, I was wondering why you didn't pick up aspiration considering it decreases the cool down on penence by 20%, a must have talent for PVP disc.

Come next patch a lot of your mana efficiencys are being changed... Spirit nerfed, meditation buffed, Rapture nerfed... How will this effect your play style?

Devine aegis is being buffed next patch so that it will essentially scale with gear, How will this effect the way you gear, gem, and enchant?

Author:  Zomghealz [ Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zomghealz - 80 - Disc Priest

-Those are some very valid questions, as far as not taking aspiration goes, it was a very difficult decision to make. for me, it was between taking aspiration, or imp divine spirit. I chose spirit because it would not only benefit my short-comings with spell power, but the entire raid as well. now, i haven't looked up all of immo's priests on armory, and if you do have other priests with this talent, I would probably spec into aspiration. My current guild has no other Disc priests, and that 80 SP buff really helps our scrub gear, lol.

-I'm not gonna lie, the changes they've made to mana regen in general have me a little worried. especially since spirit wasn't where Disc priests got most of their regen from. Rapture is my mana battery. It being nerfed definitely saddens me, but i'm gonna pay close attention to the PTR forums to see what they have to say about spirit getting nerfed and just how much they've changed it. that way i can see whether or not it would be more beneficial to go with mp5 gems/enchants or if spirit is still a viable alternative. I suspect that Ulduarr will throw the 5 second rule out the window for most (if not all) boss fights making me wanna pick up mp5 gems/enchants already

-Divine aegis being buffed won't necessarily change much about how i gear myself. talents are adding an additional +3% to crit, and to be honest i'm more worried about how the mana regen will play out before i start to think about how i'll gear myself to proc DA more often.

Author:  Zomghealz [ Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zomghealz - 80 - Disc Priest

I retract my application because I am no longer Disc. and i have found another guild.

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